Human Potential Intelligence: How AI is Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition | Sessions

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Human Potential Intelligence: How AI is Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition
In-Person and Virtual Monday 06/24/2024 07:30 AM - 08:30 AM   Add to calendar

Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral), People (Technical) | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
How to know if you are hiring the right people: AI and automation in talent acquisition and mobility. 

Seating Instructions: Seating is first-come, first-served. Reserved seating options are available for accessibility and accommodations. For detailed accessibility information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.

Traditional hiring methods are outdated and broken - a sentiment echoed by job candidates and employers worldwide. In the US, there are nearly two jobs for every candidate, experienced employees are aging out of the workforce, the accelerating pace of change at work and the explosive emergence of new skills and jobs mean companies are falling even further behind. With a shortage of quality candidates, employers need to streamline their process to attract talent and hire those with potential who can grow on a career path rather than just a job. We need a dramatically different approach to answer the question 'are we hiring the right people?' This presentation will show how AI allows us to understand the changing world of work - how jobs are related and what skills people need to develop to adapt. Rather than relying on what jobs a candidate has done in the past ('rearview recruiting'), we can assess for what they are capable of. Allowing candidates to showcase their personality traits, skills, and interests drives better candidate fit, improved performance, and retention.

Learning Objectives:

  • Current uses of AI in talent acquisition.
  • Where the space is going with Generative AI.
  • How we can leverage the right kind of assessments to measure potential.
  • How to get away from 'review recruiting'.
  • How AI can actually improve fairness.

Direct Link to Session Materials: If the speaker provides session materials, you can access them via the app, web format or at

Live Streaming and Recording: Unless marked 'in person only,' all sessions are live-streamed on the app or web format and available for replay 30 days after the event.

Acknowledgment of Technical Issues: While rare, technical issues may occur during sessions. We appreciate your patience as we quickly address them.

Accessibility & Accommodations Information: For detailed accessibility & accommodations information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.

Lindsey Zuloaga, Ph.D. Photo
Lindsey Zuloaga, Ph.D., Chief Data Scientst,