Feedback is a Gift! How to Skillfully Give & Receive Feedback: Empowering Employees & Improving Company Culture | Sessions

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Feedback is a Gift! How to Skillfully Give & Receive Feedback: Empowering Employees & Improving Company Culture
Tuesday 06/25/2024 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM   Add to calendar

Competencies: Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
Feedback can be a gift, if you wrap it right. Who do you want to shower with gifts? 

Feedback is a Gift! 68% of workers who get consistent and accurate feedback feel satisfied in their jobs!  Effective feedback is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth, and it plays an important role in creating a positive organizational culture. Clear and timely feedback promotes a growth mindset, trust, as well as increased productivity.  Let's get skilled, both as the receiver and giver of feedback. What's the power of the receiver?

Learning Objectives:

  • The right response to feedback, regardless if it's accurate or skillfully delivered or not.
  • Power of the receiver: pull for feedback.
  • Necessary ingredients for effective feedback.
Hanna Bankier Photo
Hanna Bankier, Founder/Change Catalyst,
Working Solutions Group