Mouse Trap Trust | Sessions

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Concurrent Session
Mouse Trap Trust
In-Person and Virtual Monday 06/24/2024 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM   Add to calendar

Competencies: Business Acumen, Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
This message is a guide to transform your workplace by evolving trust from thin to thick, with an Ownership Mindset anchored in Care, Commitment & Competence, fostering a robust foundation and empowering individuals for a thriving trust-based environment. 

Seating Instructions: Seating is first-come, first-served. Reserved seating options are available for accessibility and accommodations. For detailed accessibility information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.

Evolving from Thin to Thick Clarifies Communication & Expedites Effectiveness Trust is the foundation for every relationship. Some people start off naturally trusting while others require it to be earned. Without it, time is wasted and the wrong problems are solved.  WHY IT MATTERS How do you decide to trust someone or not? In business, it's not an either/or proposition. We trust our colleagues, supervisors and subordinates in varying degrees, from thin to thick.

The thicker the better. An Ownership Mindset enables individuals to engage in conversations that cause the evolution of trust to progress. Using the filters of Care, Commitment & Competence, trust can be built into a strong foundation.  Using a mouse trap to unveil numerous principles that exist within a trusting relationship, Greg engages the audience in a trust exercise like you've never experienced before!  Understanding trust indicators that exist both on teams and between individuals will catapult your ability to thicken up trust!

Learning Objectives: Learn why someone might not trust you.Explore the contrasting realities between thin and thick trust on teams.Understand how vision contributes to empowering trust. Grasp the cost of thin trust. See how trust is a tangible experience.

Direct Link to Session Materials: If the speaker provides session materials, you can access them via the app, web format or at

Live Streaming and Recording: Unless marked 'in person only,' all sessions are live-streamed on the app or web format and available for replay 30 days after the event.

Acknowledgment of Technical Issues: While rare, technical issues may occur during sessions. We appreciate your patience as we quickly address them.

Accessibility & Accommodations Information: For detailed accessibility & accommodations information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.

Greg Hawks Photo
Greg Hawks, Corporate Culture Specialist,
Hawks Agency