Workplace Crisis Management, Conflict Resolution, and Navigating Extreme Change | Sessions

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Concurrent Session, ENX CHRO, ENX HR Leaders, ENX Mid-Market
Workplace Crisis Management, Conflict Resolution, and Navigating Extreme Change
In-Person and Virtual Tuesday 06/25/2024 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM   Add to calendar

Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Interpersonal (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
Workplace crisis management helps HR leaders build their leadership brand and hone their communication and teambuilding skills in today's tumultuous business environment. 

Seating Instructions: Seating is first-come, first-served. Reserved seating options are available for accessibility and accommodations. For detailed accessibility information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.

2024 ushers in volumes of sweeping changes, from continuing to manage through Covid reintegration to talent scarcity, large-scale employee turnover, quiet quitting, and returning employees to the office. How HR leads its operational management teams through extended periods of upheaval directly ties to organizational effectiveness, culture change, and the bottom line. Join former CHRO of Nickelodeon, Paul Falcone, as he helps to identify new ways of mastering the ongoing aftershocks to our teams and organizations.

Learning Objectives: Master Individual crises, including building stronger remote relationships, dealing effectively with employee burnout, strengthening employee agility, collaboration, and accountability, and reversing 'silent quitting' trends.Lean into Departmental & Team crises, including mediating employee disputes, toxic team turnarounds, multiple generations in the workplace, and making it safe for your teams to share their concerns in a 'psychologically safe' way.Share wisdom through Company crises, including demands for hybrid work and returning reluctant employees to the office, threats to unionize, and being prepared for further global crises and natural disasters.

Direct Link to Session Materials: If the speaker provides session materials, you can access them via the app, web format or at

Live Streaming and Recording: Unless marked 'in person only,' all sessions are live-streamed on the app or web format and available for replay 30 days after the event.

Acknowledgment of Technical Issues: While rare, technical issues may occur during sessions. We appreciate your patience as we quickly address them.

Accessibility & Accommodations Information: For detailed accessibility & accommodations information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.

Paul Falcone Photo
Paul Falcone, Principal,
Paul Falcone Workplace Leadership Consulting, LLC